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Order your employee business cards!

Solenis Business Cards

Click the button below to order your card.

From the Annual Employee Photo Contest!

2024 Solenis Calendars

Five vibrant calendars along with our popular mouse pad, memo pad,

notepad all designed exclusively for Solenis!

The entire library at your fingertips!

Solenis Print Materials

Browse the full Solenis Catalog to order your literature,

stationary, posters and more!

Welcome to the
Solenis Print Service Site

Please allow, 3-5 business days for your order to ship. If your order needs to be expedited, please contact us.
If you don't receive a confirmation within 24 hours of placing your order or need to place a special print request that doesn't have a designated PC number,
please contact: Jay Johnson at 1-800-435-7844 ext. 116 or jay@sigmamktg.com.
Don‘t see what you need? Please contact Dwayne Leach, graphic designer/brand manager, Solenis at hdleach@solenis.com for assistance.

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